Margot Berkman | Portfolio Categories Sculptures
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Koraaldrift Heliomare 2023

Koraaldrift (2022) – Margot Berkman

Coral  2022 -Margot Berkman

Location: Heliomare Rehabilitation Centre , Wijk aan Zee, the Netherlands

Measurements:  9 x 7  x 3,5 meter

Material:  Quartzsand, plasterdispersion , LED lights



 Press release HELIOMARE

Wijk aan Zee, October 24, 2023


Unveiling of the artwork ‘Koraaldrift’ by Margot Berkman at Heliomare

An image of hope


Margot Berkman, wellknown for creating many art commissions in public spaces, including the monument for King Willem Alexander, will donate her work of art ‘Coralpassion’ (‘Koraaldrift’) to Heliomare on Thursday afternoon, November 2 at 5 p.m. as a thank you for all the help she has received in her rehabilitation.Together with Jan Welmers, director of Heliomare, she unveils the group of sculptures.

Berkman is inspired by nature and in particular seaweeds. Seaweed provides more than 54% of the world’s oxygen. Corals live in symbiosis with seaweed. When seaweed dies, the coral also dies from lack of oxygen.

Berkman was on Bonaire in December 2021 and conducted filming and painting research into braincoral. She had discovered that large formations of braincorals came back to life in full splendor after being white and bleached for a year. Recovery appears possible. That sentence later became her motto.

Ironically, two weeks later she was hit from behind by a car while running on Bonaire and her head hit a tree.

In a coma, Berkman was hospitalized and diagnosed with brain damage; she could no longer do anything and was in a wheelchair.

Ultimately, she was allowed to start rehabilitation at Heliomare in May 2022. Berkman created the scu lpture group ‘Koraaldrift’ during her rehabilitation period in her own studio in Zandvoort aan Zee. She has come a long way but is still recovering. Living proof of her motto: Recovery appears possible.


The sculpture group ‘Koraaldrift’

Five coral-like structures surround a nearly four-meter-high, sky-reaching seaweed-like shape that stands at the top of a dune.

These six sculptures together form the artwork ‘Coralpassion (‘Koraaldrift’) and are placed on the experience path at the main entrance of the center for specialist rehabilitation of Heliomare.

With its dimensions of 9 x 7 meters and 3.8 m high, the artwork is a real eye-catcher for patients, employees and visitors. During the day the sculptures are radiantly white, but as soon as dusk sets in, the artwork is magically illuminated, like living coral in the underwater world.

The artwork tells the story about the resilience of nature, the body and the mind. It points you to another, slower world. The special shapes emerge from her research into the many types of brain coral. The corals fight for their existence underwater. They show, colored and less colored, whether their life force is decreasing or increasing. Above water they have settled in the rolling dune. Together the stone-like elements form a special intermediate landscape. They invite you to pause for a moment and think: Are we above or below water?


Brain injury and braincoral

For someone with a brain injury, a different reality, a different world, arises. Just like the underwater world, your world becomes ‘slower’. You slow down due to sensitivity to light and sound, fatigue, reduced concentration and physical complaints.

Margot Berkman believes that with good guidance and strong willpower you can achieve your dreams and hopes that this image group is a source of inspiration for everyone who wants to achieve more in their lives. As a thank you to Heliomare and all the passionate therapists and employees, she donates her brain coral-inspired sculpture group Koraaldrift.


Koraaldrift Haarlemse Hout Beeldengalerij 2022

Koraaldrift (2022) – Margot Berkman

Coral Fury 2022 -Margot Berkman

Koraaldrift is an artcommission from Beeldengalerij Foundation for public area of Haarlem.

Location: Dreef/ Haarlemse Hout, Haarlem Nederland

Measurements:  6 x 6 x 3,5 meter


Material:  Quartzsand, plasterdispersion , LED lights

Cobra Museum Wave of Breath 2020

In the beginning there is the sea.
One day there is a first wave that sets everything in motion.
The algae take shape and wave with the water.
At times they oppose the waves.

From one form comes a new form, and another.
A diversity of forms emerges.
The sea begins to breathe for us and we breathe with the sea.

This is the world that inspires and nurtures Margot Berkman.
In Wave she takes us underwater, to a world both familiar and strange.
Like the sea her work displays reflection upon reflection: in sculptures, in drawings, in ink, paint, bronze and fabric.
For the wave brings deeper layers to the surface. Layers that can be only briefly exposed to sunlight and can only be held fast in another form.
And then the wave plunges down, and the making begins again.

                                                                                                                Katja Rodenburg – Curator



Wave of Breath

11 March 2011 – Fukushima Japan

August 2020 – Whispering Seaweed Amstelveen

We owe our existence to the breathing waves; we have to take good care of what gave us life.

With the sculpture group Whispering Seaweed, Margot Berkman takes us below the surface, to a world that is both familiar and unfamiliar. Like the sea, her work shows one reflection after another: in sculptures, in drawings, in ink, paint, bronze and textiles.

This film marks the unveiling of the sculpture group Whispering Seaweed in public space and the opening of the exhibition Wave of Breath in the Cobra Museum, in which curator Katja Rodenburg presents a selection of the artist’s versatile work.

Film – Whispering Seaweed 2020

Wave of Breath

11 March 2011 – Fukushima Japan

August 2020 – Whispering Seaweed Amstelveen

We owe our existence to the breathing waves; we have to take good care of what gave us life.

With the sculpture group Whispering Seaweed, Margot Berkman takes us below the surface, to a world that is both familiar and unfamiliar. Like the sea, her work shows one reflection after another: in sculptures, in drawings, in ink, paint, bronze and textiles.

This film marks the unveiling of the sculpture group Whispering Seaweed in public space and the opening of the exhibition Wave of Breath in the Cobra Museum, in which curator Katja Rodenburg presents a selection of the artist’s versatile work.

A soundscape is specially made by Will Calhoun (grammy award winning drummer Living Color, New York)

Whispering Seaweed Landart Amstelveen 2020

Landart  Whispering Seaweed

With exhibiton ‘Waves of Breath’ by curator Katja Rodenburg in the Cobra museum in Amstelveen and a soundscape specially created by Will Calhoun (grammy award winning drummer Living Color, New York)


Archimedes in Wonderland © Berkman en Janssens tunnel Utrecht 2001

Measurements: 1500 m2 of decorated tiles, 200 m2 of painting on the ceiling


A bicycle tunnel as a fairy tale.


While pedaling through the 60-meter-long tube, cyclists can feed their imagination with the decorated ceramic tiles and paintings from the artist duo Berkman and Janssens. The artwork is based on the inventions of the Greek mathematician Archimedes and the adventures of Alice in Wonderland.


The opening was done by mr. J. van Zanen, Alderman of Public Space, Municipality of Utrecht.


From the hands of the artists, Mr. J. van Zanen, the first copy of the screen print ‘Archimedes in Wonderland’ specially made for this exhibition. The queen, the cat, the man with the hat and the rabbit, they all lift the glass with us on 18 December 2001 in the City Hall in Utrecht.




Sisters in Paradise ©Berkman en Janssens fietstunnel Utrecht 2003

Measurements: 400 m2 decorated tiles, 200 m2 paint on pillars of the bridge


Inspiration from tile remains from the former Mariëndal monastery, or Maria ten Dael,


Commissioned by the city of Utrecht, the Utrecht artist duo Berkman and Janssens designed a beautiful artwork with the title  ‘Sisters in Paradise’. It is located on both banks of the river Vecht under the bridge over the Marnixlaan. The pillars of the bridge and the ceiling are renovated and painted. Cyclists and hikers now pass a cheerful scene with animals, surrounded by tiles with medieval motifs.


The images  are inspired by the surrounding neighbourhood and its history. The animals were once or can still be found on the banks of the river. The floral motifs on the tiles come from images found on tile remnants from the former monastery Mariëndal, or Maria ten Dael, which stood in the vicinity of the Marnix Bridge.


Berkman and Janssens designed this artwork. They are specialized in art in public space. The tiles are made of durable material, easy to maintain and have a nice appearance.

Les Dames et la Licorne © Berkman en Janssens Amsterdam 2004

A fairytale-like entrance to the Bos en Lommer shopping center


The artist duo Berkman and Janssens created an unique floor artwork (16 mx 40 m) in combination with a stainless steel fence (5 m x 10 m). This forms the surprising entrance of the Bos en Lommer shopping center.


In the entrance of the shopping center at the Bos en Lommerplein, sparrows in the fence welcome visitors and point the way to the richly decorated tiles that decorate the ground floor. The fence with sparrows and the floor with fairytale animals together form “Les Dames et la Licorne”.


Berkman and Janssens have once again proved with “Les Dames et la Licorne” to be able to give an original interpretation to the concept “art in public space“.


For the first time in the Netherlands a work of art of this type and sizehas been placed. Public places have high demands on tile floors. Berkman and Janssens,  have succeeded in developing a special tile line that meets extremely high aesthetic and sustainability requirements, and also allows for large-scale representations (eg of animal figures) with fairy-like appearance.


There was also a close collaboration with a supplier for  the stainless steel fence. The fence was also the inspiration for the new logo of the Bos en Lommer shopping center.



People cherish the artwork and this public area.




Sitting in Blue ©Berkman en Janssens tunnel Rietveldhuis Utrecht 2000

The treasures in the chairs of Rietveld …


In 1999, the municipality of Utrecht commissioned Berkman and Janssens, with the permission of the heirs of Gerrit Rietveld and in cooperation with the Ida van Zijl, the Rietveld curator of the Centraal Museum for their design of the tunnel as an external interior.


In the archives of the Centraal Museum they researched the original Rietveld chair designs. The result was a series of sketches and paintings. The research into compositions / surface divisions of the Rietveld Schröder House yielded a wall-filling composition in the real colors used by Rietveld: light gray, dark gray, red, white and blue.


In 2000 the Rietveld Schröder House was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The house is currently under management at the Centraal Museum. This museum provides guided tours of the building and also has an extensive collection of furniture designed by Rietveld, some of which (including the famous red-blue chair) can also be seen in the Rietveld Schröder House.