Margot Berkman | Greetings from Delfshaven ©Berkman en Janssens 2001
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Greetings from Delfshaven ©Berkman en Janssens 2001

Measurements: 600m2


Old architectural details from Rotterdam can be seen in the subway station.


Subway station Delfshaven was renovated in 2001 by the RET and fully decorated with artworks with delft-blue architectural motifs inspired by the historic buildings of Delfshaven in Rotterdam.


Artistduo Berkman and Janssens have given art classes at six schools in Delfshaven, about making designs for public area,  the art history of decoration on buildings. They have designed a special ceramic tile that has been given to local residents and schools.



RET Rotterdam


Subway station Delfshaven Rotterdam


ceramic steel, ceramic tiles


Commissions, Drawings, Public Area

area, art, artcommission, berkman en janssens, bicycle tunnel, design, dieren, engineering, fietstunnel, kunst, kunst in openbare ruimte, kunstlessen, margot berkman, metro, metrostation, opdracht, openbaar, public, RET, rotterdam, spoorkunst, station, straatkunstprijs, tegels, tunnel, tunnelkunst, vervoer, voetgangerstunnels, witte beelden